Astral Spiritualist Church / Workshop – The beautiful Congregation

Astral Spiritualist Church / Workshop – The beautiful Congregation

I spent the night in the spare bedroom. I had a rotten cold and didn’t want to disturb my wife who has had trouble sleeping of late. Before going to sleep I used a repeated affirmation, “I, out-of-body Now!” I used this each time I woke during the night to get back to sleep.

Dream – > Lucid Dream – > OBE

I had a dream where I had visited my friend Duncan. We hadn’t seen each other for ages. I visited his flat (In physical reality, it was my old flat). Whilst there I was showing him something on my laptop computer, when I noticed it had become hacked. Somebody was now controlling the screen. They were opening the web browser and moving things around. This really worried me; I went into the security settings in an attempt to block them. After a while their activity stopped. Duncan’s wife was in their living room (My old living room). The layout of their flat mirrored a flat I had lived in with my brother when we were in our twenties.

Duncan suggested we go into another room to relax away from the computer and catch up on old times. As we entered this other room (In reality this would have been my old bedroom), I noticed he had converted it into a huge space. The room looked ten times bigger than it would normally. The furniture was positioned as if it was a spiritualist church. All down the middle of the room/hall was seating for people. At the front of the room was a raised stage and rostrum/table. The room now resembled a hall. The transformation was stunning.

People now started to fill the hall. Everybody was extremely attractive and in their prime. I looked around at some of the lady’s; they were in beautiful smart dresses. They appeared to be in their twenties. They all looked very familiar, I couldn’t quite place them but assumed they must have been T.V stars. The feeling you get when you know people’s faces but you can’t place them.

I decided to sit on a bench far at the back. I felt a little bit out of place due to my sleeping attire. The room was now filled with these young beautiful people. A pretty blond lady took to the stage and sat behind the rostrum in preparation. I had the impression she was going to give clairvoyance. I then got the impression that all the other people in the room also had this gift.

My friend had now disappeared. I was now sitting by myself. Suddenly, I started to feel intense vibrations rocking through my body as I sat on the wooden bench. I felt myself bouncing up and down very fast on the bench. It was uncontrollable. I felt really embarrassed. I just couldn’t control it, I’m sure the bench must have been making an awful noise and I was disturbing the tranquility of the room. Then a lady who was sitting behind me put her hand on my back. This had a calming influence on me. I then wondered if it was perhaps my astral body doing the vibrating and not the physical one. Bang! Suddenly, I was now airborne. I was now floating effortlessly just above where I had been sitting. I started to float gently down to the front of the hall. The people in the congregation could see me. They looked very pleased. I then floated to the very front of the hall where the clairvoyant lady was sitting on the stage. I reached out my hand to greet her. She reciprocated and reached up and shook my hand ever so elegantly. She was glowing, very beautiful with delicate perfect features. I then floated to a group of people just in front of the stage and reached out to touch their hands too. They could also see me and also reached up to shake my hand. Again, what struck me was how perfect and beautiful these people were.

I then floated near to the inner wall that adjoins with the living room within my old flat. I then easily passed through the wall as if it wasn’t there. The walls were very thin as they were made of plasterboard, I could see both rooms in detail. I then exited the church room and floated into my old living room. I noticed the T.V was still on. I saw a toy monkey on a small black chair. I noted these items so I could prove it once I was back (I crazy idea now as the scene was far from reality and I have no access to that flat anymore). I then floated through the walls into what used to be my brothers old bedroom and mentally noted down objects, so I could prove to current inhabitants when firmly back in my physical body (Again, it wouldn’t be possible). After a while I floated back to my sleeping body that I had left on the bench within the church room. It was hunched over to one side, almost about to fall on the floor. Once back in my body I ran to my old toilet to lock myself inside in order to get my bearings and try and make sense of this strange lucid dream/OBE experience. I then woke up for real with my daughter asking me to buy some life style points for her iPAD Sims computer game. I consciously downloaded the experience to my mind and quickly wrote this up.


This was a unique experience for me. Rather than the usual experience of being spring boarded into an OBE from this reality, I was leaving another dream/astral body and entering into another subtler body from another state completely. The people were so friendly and beautiful in every way that I got the impression this may have been a much higher state of consciousness/reality. Perhaps my dream character Duncan was used to chaperone me there, to an astral workshop, initiation process or something else.




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